Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Loving life

Life is so good. I hope I always am reminded of my blessings. My family is so special to me. God has blessed us in incredible ways. Bridgette is growing up to be this sweet, loving, gentle girl. Mason smiles all the time and exhibits the sweetest disposition. Travis enjoys his job, and I feel like I was made to raise these children.
Bridgette speaks so well, and surprises us so often with what she knows. The funniest moments though are the true "rugrats" moments where she says a word that is so funny and remarkably close to the actual word-- it just makes sense to her. Her latest word that I still haven't figure out is: "gokie-gokie". Anyone? Haha. She mostly says it In reference to certain pink necklaces she has, but also refers to a teddy bear rattle as this. Hilarious.
She loves her baby brother- this am while getting ready for preschool, she wanted to be sure he was comfortable, so she brought him a toy and covered his toes with a blanket (saying "keep your tosies warm"). Kissed him then said she will miss him today. Precious girl. Then she loved on me :)
Mason is holding his head up really well when on my shoulder. He is also following my face around, then turning towards people when they talk. He smiles all of the time. Such an easy baby. He will sit in a swing and look at the mobile while I get work done. He goes to sleep on his own-- amazing. I just wish he would nurse without fussing. Why couldnt I have babies that nursed calmly and enjoyed it? Neither have. Always fussing.
We had a pleasant visit with Travis's dad, stepmother, and sister Gina this weekend. They played so much with the babies. Bridgette had a blast and was truly enamored with Pappy Jim. She just went in step with Gina and Nana Lee like she had always played with them. It was great to see them.
Travis and I had a much needed date night last night at markets square. I love that man so much. We always have such fun together-- it was nice to relax. Thanks to Mimi Nina and pawpaw Marshall for keeping the babes. :)
Tonight Bridgette is with her Mimi Kay and papaw billy. She has a blast with them. Just got back from gparents farm. I'm spending the evening loving on my son. Love having some one on one time with him. Always miss Bridgette though. Here's some pics!!

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