Poor little Bridgette had her 2 month check up and wowed Dr. Black! He said she was growing really well, was perfect upon physical exam, and weighed 11 lbs and 6 ounces!! She is up 3 lbs from birth and is in the 75% of babies her age. BIG GIRL :)
She has had a problem with thrush and diaper rash that made her a little fussy while she eats, but we are treating her and it is getting much better. She also has periodic gas pains that bother her, and we are still working on fixing that!
She tolerated her vaccines very well, and along with Tylenol, was just mildly fussy for the rest of the weekend.
Saturday: We had Aunt Mal-Mal with us and enjoyed a relaxing Saturday.
Sunday: Her FIRST church service.....
We dressed Bridgette in the lovely dress that Aunt Malerie bought her and she looked beautiful. Let's just say, that because she eats frequently during the day, it is difficult to get to Newport and time her feedings. So, before we left I fed her. She made it to Newport, and I gave her a "snack" in the car before we went into church for Dad's Christmas cantata. As she was eating, I noticed that she was straining and having a bowel movement. I calmly told Trav that I would change her inside in the restroom and we would enter the service a tad late, thus avoiding people touching Bri too much :) haha
I went into the restroom with our little angel, and to my dismay, found that she had pooped out of her diaper, up her back, through her onesie, and onto the lining of her dress. It was everywhere. Church had started, Trav was outside the door. I yelled for him to come into the ladies room (which he resisted!!) and had him cut her onesie off to avoid getting poop all over her. Next, I took out my wet wipes and washed her off, took the dress to the sink and washed it and used my tide pen. As I redressed her, Trav stepped outside only to run into the choir director (who is a family friend). Being polite, Trav asked how she was doing and mentioned that we had brought Bridgette to her first church service. She looked mortified and said "You aren't bringing her in are you?" He nodded and she said, "PLEASE TAKE HER OUT IF SHE STARTS TO CRY"!!! That's right- did you know you cannot have a child in church if she cries....????? I was furious and insulted, esp after what we went through to get there. Aren't we mature adults who do not require direction? WHEW. BTW- she did NOT cry during the service.
After church and lunch, we went to visit Grandpa Marty at the drugstore, then onto the Knoxville Marriott for family pictures with Buda/Bailey/Sparks/Fawvers :) It was a show! Megan Parker took our photos! I will post some when we get them! Bridgette did so well!
So, in all, we had a very event-filled weekend with so many firsts for little Bridgette. She handled them better than Mommy did hahaha :)
Wow! Busy Busy! I brought Declan to church ONE TIME and haven't done it since. Perfect strangers came up to us and touched him. NOT COOL, house of the Lord, NOT COOL!