Unfortunately, we have all been sick. BLECH. Bridgette has had the worst of it, with a terrible cough and congestion. Thankfully Mason hasn't been too congested. Of course I have it too. So, needless to say, some sleepless nights followed (not that Mason and I have been sleeping great anyway). My mothering motto: this too shall pass. I have learned that every time something seems to be working really well, it changes (another tooth, a cold, a wrench in the plans so to speak) or vice-versa. The minute I don't think I can bear another sleepless night, Mason gives me a long stretch. Amazing. Have to just thank God for every moment...I KNOW it all passes so quickly. Bridgette has grown into a sweet little girl so quickly. I am cherishing every moment I cuddle sweet baby Mason. :)
Here are your stats:
Mason, 6 months (approx)- 26 3/4 inches, 19.5 pounds.
Yes I know, he is a BIG boy. :) He eats enough haha.
Well now that we have unclogged his pipes, he is a much happier baby. He is eating some breakfast every morning (but I have eliminated the oatmeal/rice cereal), so he is eating a fruit or veggie every AM. He LOVES to eat and he is VERY good at it. I am proud hehe. Travis is VERY proud hehe.
He is sitting up very well without support. He loves certain toys...an alphabet spinner toy, his rainforest jumper, his giraffe teething toy, and anything that Bridgette is playing with of course. He is very likely teething- he is drooling all the time, biting, and fussy sometimes for no reason...Bri got her first at 7 months, so he is close. He is not in love with reading like Bridgette was..he likes interaction. He is VERY observant and watches everything his big sister does. He smiles a lot and I love it. He is sleeping in 3-4 hour intervals and strangely enough, he has started enjoying being swaddled (I use a sleep sack that has a swaddle built-in so no covers near his precious head). He can wiggle his arms out, but falling asleep he wants to be bundled. HUM. Bridgette loved to sleep next to me and cuddle. Not Mason- he wants to nurse then get right back in his own crib.
On to Bridgie-Bridge...
She and I have been doing lots of crafts and activities in the afternoon. She LOVES to be messy--what toddler doesn't? So, we paint, throw glitter around (clean up before Daddy gets home hehe), play in rice, noodles, water, etc. The biggest hits have been a huge tub full of rice that she can sit in and play like sand and a bathtub full of different kinds of noodles. She loved that! I am always looking for other really fun things if you have a suggestion!!
One super cute and funny thing she does- Daddy has an action bible, comic book form, Bri loves to read it, "And Jesus was afraid of the kion, but Mufasa told them to get on the boat with Simba and they lived happily ever after..." and she will stop and ask, "mommy, who's this troll?" Everyone with a beard is a potential troll...I reply with the straightest face "That troll is Moses", etc. Trav n I laugh our heads off.
Her favorite books are "Morris goes to school", "Lady and the Tramp", "Classic Disney Stories" of all varieties.
She still loves the Lion King and sings "Hakuna Matata" all the time. So cute and so funny. Another funny thing-- Mason cries, (even at 4am), Bri will reflexively start singing "Twinkle twinkle little star". She is the BEST big sister. They jump and kick and laugh together. They make me so happy. :)
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