Unfortunately, we have been bombarded by a few sleepless nights, and a fussy baby in the evenings. Unwilling to call this "colic" at the moment, I will say that she doesn't want to be put down at all at night, but wishes to cuddle and eat. She eats so much she spits up, screams bloody murder, then proceeds to dirty her diaper, and scream some more. Even with a dry diaper and a full stomach, she is not satisfied. So Daddy and I have been taking turns staying up with her, and we are both exhausted. Sadly Daddy has had to go back to work this week, so he is really tired. :( During the day, she is a perfect angel. Hopefully this is temporary. I am a little afraid to leave her alone much, because she has been refluxing and spitting up after nearly every feeding. First time mom, what can I say?
Two days ago, Great Grandparents Sparks visited, and Great Grandmother Pat stayed with Bridgette while Great Granddaddy, Daddy, and I went to Littons for some food. YUMMY. However, a young fella began crying heartily behind us. All mothers know what happened to me then...I needed to get back home quickly! haha
Aunt Malerie flew back in yesterday AM, and Bridgette and I went to get her from the airport. Mal wore a mask just to protect our little family!! :) Grammy Kay came up and stayed as well for the afternoon. We watched an old movie and I nursed little Bri into a coma haha.
Today we are expecting the Marley Grandparents this PM. VERY excited to see them! I know they have been missing their little angel. Bridgette is so well loved. I am so thankful for wonderful family and friends who support us and smother us with affection!! Thank you ALL! Hopefully tomorrow night, Daddy and I will get our first DATE NIGHT!! Hopefully I will override the Mommy gene, and relax and enjoy myself. Maybe even a movie...we will see!