Monday, July 25, 2011

37 + weeks and counting

So, I have officially "dropped". I did not do this with Bridgette, so this is new for me. HOpefully it means Mason will make an early arrival :)
Bridgette has entered the "terrible twos"...she throws the greatest tantrums! :) She is so sweet most of the time, though. Mostly she wants her way of course, and thinks everything is "mine". Fortunately, it is not too bad. I hope Mason will make her less fussy hahaha.
She is really excited to meet her little brother though. She loves on my belly and it is so fun.
Here are a few of her favorite songs to sing: "Baa, baa black sheep", "Twinkle, twinkle little star", "ABCs", "Itsy bitsy spider", "If you are happy and you know it", "You are my sunshine".
Earlier she saw a rainbow and pointed it out to me. I said "What does a rainbow mean?". She replied, "God loves me". So smart and sweet.
Another fun thing she enjoys is to drive everyone's cars. She pushes all the buttons, steers, and unfortunately beeps the horn...
WE went to a splash pad with Halle and Nate this week. She paid more attention to Nate than the water haha.

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