Tuesday, August 2, 2011

3 more days until BABY MASON is here!!!!

Well, as you can imagine, I am riddled with emotions! I am VERY excited to add another child to this sweet growing family. I am VERY excited to hold his sweet little body in my arms, to nurse another baby, to be responsible for another life. I am looking forward to Bridgette's reaction and seeing Travis with his SON. :) Lots of happiness and joy.
Also, there is some apprehension and fear...just do not want another delivery like the first. I am praying for a controlled experience, but I am aware that God is in control in all circumstances. Still...that nagging fear is there. Also not looking forward to being exhausted, but again, temporary. And very worth it.
Bridgette has asked me every day "Mason tomorrow?". She kisses my belly and tells him she loves him. I really can't wait to see how wild she will be over him. She just loves babies so much. Today we changed her baby's diaper over and over. I will have a REAL helper if I can manage to teach her that! haha
Have I mentioned before how much she LOVES rocks? I tell you she will find them anywhere and be endlessly fascinated by them. We go to our stream (wildlife preserve) and she will throw rocks into the water until I make her leave (kicking and screaming)! It's so funny what intrigues her.
She also really loves to "Hide". She especially loves to do this with her Daddy. They climb in the bed and squirm under the covers and she wants people to come and find her. It's so funny. She also likes to have people hide from her around the house and she will go find them. Uncle Westo taught her to "sneaky sneaky" which is a hilarious crouching tip toe walk while saying "Shhh". It's so funny.

1 comment:

  1. Declan loves rocks too! He found a piece of quartz on the playground and gave it to me telling me it was a "diamond".
